Wednesday, January 30

eLearning Grid and e-TQM College Journals (Dubai)

eLearning Grid was recently launched by the eTQM College in Dubai. It's mission is to become a central hub for developing an e-learning community, which actively contributes in spreading e-learning awareness (in the Middle East region and elsewhere in the world) and encourages the promotion and exchange of best practices and case studies in the field. It targets all those who have interest in e-learning as users, adopters or providers of e-Learning ...more

"The launch of the eTQM College Journals is to support a strategy for the encouragement of growth and development of scientific thinking and publishing in the Arab World and the Middle East region. Recent research about scientific publishing and contribution from the region indicates that the Middle East region falls far behind other regions in terms of scientific research and publications and most of the scientific content comes from very few countries - with 54% from Israel, followed by Turkey, Saudi and Iran (Prof. Mohamed Zairi)" ...more


Currently, you can enjoy free access to these online journals, and hopefully this will continue. If these two excellent initiatives (eLearning Grid and e-TQM College Journals) want to really contribute in spreading e-learning awareness, and facilitate the growth and development of scientific thinking and publishing in the Arab World and the Middle East region, I believe they have to remain free (to access).

In short, I am thrilled to learn about these two very important initiatives launched by the eTQM College in Dubai. Congratulations :)

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