Monday, February 4

ELI Podcast: Connectivism (George Siemens)

In this 58 minute podcast, George Siemens, Associate Director for the Learning Technologies Centre at the University of Manitoba, discusses "Connectivism" (recorded at the ELI 2008 Meeting in San Antonio, Texas).

"The waves of technological and social change have eroded the effectiveness of traditional views regarding what, how, and why to educate. To effectively educate learners, fundamental assertions need to be rethought: the design of schools and curriculum, the nature of knowledge in a connected world, the relationship between educator and learner, the means and methods of authenticating information and knowledge, and, perhaps most significantly, what it means “to know” in complex, rapidly developing, and chaotic environments. This session will present connectivism as a theory of learning that can bridge the rift between traditional and new educational approaches to prepare learners for the tomorrow they will inherit."


Here are a few other ELI Podcasts (conversations) you might want to explore:

WOW! So, if you want to know more about the present and future learning tools and where learning (or education) might be heading in the future, these podcasts might just give you some good ideas on how to move forward. I am certainly looking forward to an increasingly more connected open global learning network where I can communicate directly and often with experts like George Siemens (in addition to reflecting their presentations and writings). I am not sure if experts will have time for (or want to engage with) all the hungry learning minds connected to this growing open global learning network, but they will probably also have less opportunities to escape :)

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