Assalamu Alaikum wrt wbt,
Hi UPM Hero Educators!
Looking forward to facilitating my first 'Designing Gamified Flipped Learning Experiences' workshop at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) from 9 to 10 August, 2016.
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
In this 2-days hands-on workshop, we will explore how we can design gamified flipped learning experiences using various methods and online tools. During the process, we will discover how the brain learns, learning design, flipped classroom, gamification, how to design awesome graphics, and explore various interactive online tools to engage and gamify learning. Participants will be engaged throughout the workshop with learning activities. It will be fun, engaging, and participants will get a taste of how they can use technology to flip, gamify and transform the way they facilitate learning.
At the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Discuss how the brain learns;
- Apply ‘Gagne’s 9 Events of Instruction’ to design more engaging learning environments;
- Apply ‘Flipped Classroom’ and ‘Gamification’ methods to their teaching and learning environments;
- Use interactive web tools to engage and assess students during face-to-face learning sessions;
- Use Social Media to interact and empower students to collaborate online; and
- Design awesome graphics in PowerPoint.
Please add yourself to this Padlet Wall with the following (500 BONUS POINTS, if done correctly):
- Name (or nickname)
- Picture (of your face) or Video Selfie (extra 100 points, meaning 600 potential points, WOW)
- Your specialization
- Your passion
- What you want to learn (1-2 sentences)
If done all correctly, you will receive 500 bonus points (100 points for each point above) as a starter for this gamified flipped learning workshop. Your points will be important for your team and individual scoring during the workshop. All the best and let the game begin!
CLICK HERE to join the Learning Innovation Circle (LIC)!
All learning moments and fun captured during the workshop, will be posted here. Besides joining the FB group, please also share pictures, videos and thoughts as the workshop unfolds. Anything from winning a game, to slamming the facilitator is most welcome here. Sharing and providing constructive and motivational feedback is essential for learning to be fun and inspiring. Yeah!!!
Day 1
Day 2
Gamified scoring system?RESULTS - UNIFIED MISSION
CLICK HERE to view 'UNIFIED MISSION' results (full screen).
CLICK HERE to view 'TEAM' results (full screen).
CLICK HERE to view 'PARTICIPANTS' results (full screen).
Pictures from the workshop at UPM:
Here we go:Are you up for the challenge?
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