Wednesday, July 18

Motivating Factors in E-learning (Case Study: UNITAR, by Dr. Kamal Kishore Jain)

Click here to view the full case study

People join E-learning courses for a variety of reasons. The empirical research done for this study reveals that the top five motivating factors in choosing an E-learning course are as follows:
  1. It fulfils the need for increased flexibility;
  2. It fulfils the need for geographical independence;
  3. Web-based environment can potentially offer many opportunities for enriching the learning process ? can have the world at your fingertips;
  4. E-learning suits the rapidly changing nature of knowledge; and
  5. E-learning offers temporal independence (learning can be done anytime convenient to the students).

The study may help the providers of online courses design their strategies and position their courses in line with the above. Learning at your own time, pace, and space seems to be the most appropriate positioning for such courses. It must be noted, however, that this is only an exploratory study based on a small sample of respondents from one university. Larger studies at other institutions should be conducted to help validate the findings."

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