Friday, December 28

Educational YouTube Collections You Simply Do Not Want to Miss!

Where can I find great educational videos on YouTube that can stimulate my brain beyond the entertainment and fun level? Simple answer! On YouTube's Education section!

Not sure about that one, but strangely enough you can easily find educational videos about babes, butts and sex education there! Some might find this educational, but I suppose some might not!

Since we discussed YouTube Catcher in the last post, I suppose the next obvious task would be to find some excellent YouTube collections/channels to extract the juiciest stuff for our learning. Thanks to Dan Colman's recent excellent post on educational video collections, I believe we have a great starting point. Yeah, sometimes a bit of human intervention using Google tools (including YouTube) in extracting juice is needed :)

The following excellent educational YouTube collections were highlighted in Dan Colman's post:

If you want a quick overview and some tips on using these YouTube collections, I strongly recommend that you explore Dan Colman's video, podcast and resource collections (Growing Fast!). Just Click Here!
Hopefully, we manage to catch a few juicy videos or resources there to tickle our learning minds :)

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